Things to Consider When Buying A Popcorn Machine

Commercial popcorn machines

Whether you wish to start a popcorn kiosk or just need a popcorn machine for your house, you need to consider several things and take time out before buying it. Above all, you need to research a product before you buy it. Studying any product, you don’t know the basics about can be challenging.

Well, you don’t need to stress. Here are some things you need to consider while buying a popcorn machine.

Popcorn has become one of the most prominent snacks, especially in the theatre, and you can easily find popcorn anywhere these days because it is also a healthy snack. The majority of the people like that best, so investing in a popcorn machine is worth it. 

Things you need to consider when buying a popcorn machine are as follows


The cost will surely be the ruling factor when choosing a popcorn maker if you are looking for a home-use machine. On the flip side, if you’re planning to start a commercial business and looking for a commercial popcorn machine, the cost should not concern you. One of the essential things that you need to consider in the back of your mind is that price does not guarantee the best quality. Just because a machine is expensive doesn’t mean that it is excellent and vice versa. Hence, if possible, you always need to keep in mind the mid-range, and you must be satisfied.


Of course, this factor plays a crucial role if you wish to make popcorn professionally. If that’s the case, then capacity should be your first concern. The capacity of your popcorn maker will have a significant impact on your business. You shouldn’t invest in a massive device if you are planning to start a small business from scratch. On the flip side, if you own a movie theatre, you probably need one of the giant machines you can find out so that you don’t run out of popcorn stock when the demand is high.

Cooking Time

Experts assume that you want a machine as efficient as possible if you are buying a professional popcorn-making machine. If that’s the case, you will look for a cooking machine with minimum cook times first stop, but even if you are looking for a standard kitchen appliance that can make the quickest movie snack, then cook time matters the most. A machine will cook the popcorn for an average of between 2 to 5 minutes. Some might even quickly cook the popcorn but not by a lot.

Easy To Use

A popcorn-making machine won’t come with a challenging dashboard that you need a course to learn how to operate to be fair, but again you need to ensure that you have the most seamless experience possible. If feasible, you should go for something simple like microwave popcorn making, and believe the experts; these are some of the most seamless machines you can ever find to make popcorn.

Storing Features

The last thing you would ever want is to eat burnt chocolate like popcorn or just end up eating the kernels. You can avoid this and prevent the problem of over and undercooking your popcorn by going for a machine with an inbuilt starring feature. It will allow a foreign, eventually cooked batch of popcorn that you will surely enjoy.

Easy and Minimum Maintenance

Commercial popcorn machines will surely be more challenging to use and maintain than home appliances, but again you shouldn’t have to struggle to keep the machine clean. Above all, you should look for a machine that easily accesses all the major parts that need regular maintenance and cleaning. Please visit our Kitchenrama page for more details.

Mr. Vikas Suri
Founder and CEO of Kitchenrama